World disaster
Across the world, pollution caused by plastic waste is a critical problem. It was estimated that 8 million tones of plastic end up in the oceans each year.
By 2025, the annual global cumulative output of plastic waste into our oceans will have exceeded 155 million metric tones, and global municipal waste generation might reach 2.2 billion tones per year.

8 million
tones of plastic in the ocean each year.
155 million
tones the annual global cumulative
output of plastic waste.
2.2 billion
tones of global municipal waste generation.
Recycling solution
The world suffers from an acute lack of infrastructure that
can process plastic waste. The majority of waste currently ends up in landfills.
We suggest a solution to the problem of plastic waste disposal by offering a new method of reusing it, reducing the reliance on finite fossil fuels, lowering carbon emissions, and providing a high-grade quality fuel alternative to a growing market.
The Ecosene team is researching and implementing technologies for waste plastic recycling into high-grade fuels for road, air, and space transportation.
Due to the catalyst processes developed by our engineers,
we are now able to customize the fuel characteristics.
As a result, an innovative product has appeared - premium kerosene meeting the stellar demands of the space industry.

We use the catalytic pyrolysis process as the most ecological technology.
This allows us to avoid dioxin and furane formation, and lower CO2 emissions by 70% compared to classic methods of fuel production.
Polyethylene (PE)

Polystyrene (PS)

Polypropylene (PP)

Recycling Plant
Fully Automated
Modular and Scalable

We are developing
sustainability in aerospace
In 2021 we recycled
401 054 kg

of plastic into
60 158 litres
of Ecosene rocket fuel

Fuel calculation
Amount of plastic:
Amount of fuel:
Calculation of the amount of recycled plastic, fuel produced and carbon dioxide saved.
CO2 saved:
Ecosene Awards

Leif Erikson
Award 2020

Net Zero Energy Pitch Award
at the Business Green Technology Festival 2019

Clean Tech Award
at the Go: Tech Awards 2019

Environmental Best Practice Award
at the Green Apple Environment Awards 2020
For our latest updates, upcoming events, and other
news remember to follow us on twitter!

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